As we begin the new fiscal year, Habitat for Humanity Argentina is embarking on a new approach and an exciting challenge: to increase our impact by involving more and more volunteers. The strategic plan includes housing solutions and opportunities based entirely on volunteer support and the efforts of the families. In this way we hope to beat the financial difficulties all organizations are facing, and reach even more families in times of growing need.
The first step of this approach is to build awareness in our society of the huge numbers of families living in severely inadequate conditions, and encourage others to join together to work towards a solution. As part of this idea, during August 40 volunteers took to the streets of down-town Buenos Aires to give passers by flyers of our awareness campaign. This took place in the center of the City of Buenos Aires for the National Day of Solidarity and the following weekend in the Recoleta district. Over 3000 people went home with a Habitat for Humanity flyer, and over 50 posters were put up in strategic positions.
Immediately after this visibility campaign, in the neighbourhood of La Boca, in the City of Buenos Aires, we organized an exhibition of the housing situation and needs, in a run-down derelict building which HPHA purchased as part of its “Recycling Urban Homes” project. By turning the building into a “case show”, and with the help of volunteers who designed and produced posters of the situation around the country and city, we were able to provide an impressive experience which had an emotional impact on most of our visitors.
Finally, at this time of year we close our yearly “Homes Fund”, thanking all those who have trusted us over this past year to invest their donations (large or small) in our various projects. This, together with the Rotating Fund, makes our ongoing work possible! And we are pleased to see that the more than 300 families paying back into the Rotating Fund continue to work hard not only to pay on time, but also to be a part of community development in their neighbourhoodl
We invite all our readers to become a part of HPHA, as volunteers, donors, or by involving more people who want to say no to the country’s housing problem.
Ana Cutts, National Director.
September 18, 2009
Exhibition: boarding houses in La Boca

Habitat for Humanity Argentina organized on September 5, 6, 12 and 13 an exhibition in a run down derelict building in the La Boca neighborhood with the aim of making its visitors aware of the City of Buenos Aires housing problem and encouraging them to be part of the solution.
After a thorough survey, HPHA acquired this building as an opportunity to transform vacant or ill-used urban space into apartments to rent to low income families. The new building is being designed to respect and reinterpret the identity of this historic and characteristic neighborhood of the port area of Buenos Aires. Whilst HPHA continues to seek funding for the building, volunteers turned the run down house into an exhibition with pictures, information and the recreation of a “typical” squatter or informal rental room. With the help of two families who are already part of the “Guided Rents” programme, a wood and tin room was equipped with bedding, kitchenware, tables, childrens play pen and the necessary plastic covering to protect clothes from the dripping ceiling.
According to the last national census in 2001, more than 110,000 people live in informal rent situations (cheap hotels, abandoned buildings or tenement houses), paying a regular rent for squalid and inadequate conditions with a toilet shared by over 20 people. To rent in the city of Buenos Aires, a family needs formal employment, upfront payments and a property in the city of Buenos Aires as collateral. This, clearly, excludes most low income families. In addition, due to the excess demand for rents, descendants of neighbouring countries, or families with small children are most often discriminated.
A video of the exhibition can be found on
After a thorough survey, HPHA acquired this building as an opportunity to transform vacant or ill-used urban space into apartments to rent to low income families. The new building is being designed to respect and reinterpret the identity of this historic and characteristic neighborhood of the port area of Buenos Aires. Whilst HPHA continues to seek funding for the building, volunteers turned the run down house into an exhibition with pictures, information and the recreation of a “typical” squatter or informal rental room. With the help of two families who are already part of the “Guided Rents” programme, a wood and tin room was equipped with bedding, kitchenware, tables, childrens play pen and the necessary plastic covering to protect clothes from the dripping ceiling.
According to the last national census in 2001, more than 110,000 people live in informal rent situations (cheap hotels, abandoned buildings or tenement houses), paying a regular rent for squalid and inadequate conditions with a toilet shared by over 20 people. To rent in the city of Buenos Aires, a family needs formal employment, upfront payments and a property in the city of Buenos Aires as collateral. This, clearly, excludes most low income families. In addition, due to the excess demand for rents, descendants of neighbouring countries, or families with small children are most often discriminated.
A video of the exhibition can be found on
Homes Fund. Year 2008-2009.
By María Sofía Mansur, volunteer
Another year has gone by, and Habitat for Humanity Argentina keeps growing, despite the difficult times which we have to go through. This continuous progress is the consequence of the trust and contributions we receive from many persons and institutions that are committed to HPHA’s mission.
Another year has gone by, and Habitat for Humanity Argentina keeps growing, despite the difficult times which we have to go through. This continuous progress is the consequence of the trust and contributions we receive from many persons and institutions that are committed to HPHA’s mission.
HPHA’s Homes Fund is a fundamental pillar in the development of the organization’s goals. Thanks to these contributions, in cash or in kind, by individuals and institutions throughout our last fiscal year we have continued with HPHA’s mission and extended our work to many more people. We now have over 250 families who have been able to improve their housing conditions, and many more who have participated in different workshops, and were able to see that it is possible to improve their own living conditions and those of their community.
Thanks to all those who were part of the Homes Funds 2008-2009!
Family Group:
Ana Cutts; Catedral Anglicana San Juan Bautista Buenos Aires; Corbin and Zulema Wright; Elida Gándara; Iglesia Bautista Nordeste Santa Fe; José Fernando Colacilli; Katharine and Tim Dougherty; María Belén Sarmiento; María Constanza Ledesma; María Celina Malvazo; Mariana and Zack Sears; Marval O'Farrell y Mairal; Maximiliano Pereyra; Patricia Caviezel; Personal Oficina Nacional de HPHA; Ronaldo Hurley;; Sistemas y Soluciones SRL; Sociedad Bíblica Argentina; United Community Church; Visnja Drucker.
Cash contributions:
Alyssa M Vine; Ana Dougherty; Analía Bachor ; Andrés Romagnoli; Bárbara Bradford; Bruno Capalbo; Carolina Mansur; Cecilia Segovia; Comisión Arquidiocesana de Ecumenismo y Dialogo Interreligioso; Corbin and Zulema Wright; Elida Gándara; Elizabeth Strickland; Felipe Cartud; Flavio Berceruelo; Familia Strasser; Gretchen Hall; Joaquín Bilbao; José Fernando Colacilli; Leonardo Hernández; Lidia Fernández; Luis Arana Tagle; Lynn Ibañez; Marcelo Ortelli; María Celina Malvazo; Mariana Ortega; Mariano Colombo; Mariano Spitale; Marina Romere; Mark Foster; Martha Ureta; Martín Nazer; Maximiliano Pereyra; Milagros Bernabó; Patricia Cabot; Patricia Caviezel; Paul Hartley ; HPHA National Office; Rene Cutts; Roger Cortéz; Ronaldo Hurley; Santiago Valent; San Cristóbal Seguros; Silvia Leguizamón; Silvina Rodriguez Ponti; Stephanie Simonetta; Susanne; Thomas Dunbar; Vianney Osorio; Visnja Drucker
In kind donations:
Antonio and Viviana Castro Sánchez; Servicios Integrales S.A; Sociedad Bíblica Argentina
Cash contributions:
Ana Cutts, Cáritas Lomas de Zamora; Christopher Carpenter; Katharine and Tim Dougherty; María Constanza Ledesma; María Belén Sarmiento; Mariana and Zack Sears; Nicolás Vellón; Patricia Wall de Dougall; Pequeño Fondo Hogares Royal Belfast Academical Institution; Steve Crowell; Thai Lovers Restaurant
In kind donations:
BAXPA SA; Bez Propiedades; Graciela Adán y Asociados; Iglesia Bautista Nordeste Santa Fe; Leticia Prayon RH Profile; Sistemas y Soluciones SRL; United Community Church
Cash contributions:
Catedral Anglicana San Juan Bautista Buenos Aires; Little Homes Fund Lucky and Giving Campaign Ithaca; Theresa y Dennis Skelly
In kind donations:
Hotel Zavaleta
In kind donations:
Ana Cutts; Marval O’ Farrell y Mairal
We invite you to join our Homes Fund, donating from $1 per month you can support HPHA’s mission!
Ana Cutts; Catedral Anglicana San Juan Bautista Buenos Aires; Corbin and Zulema Wright; Elida Gándara; Iglesia Bautista Nordeste Santa Fe; José Fernando Colacilli; Katharine and Tim Dougherty; María Belén Sarmiento; María Constanza Ledesma; María Celina Malvazo; Mariana and Zack Sears; Marval O'Farrell y Mairal; Maximiliano Pereyra; Patricia Caviezel; Personal Oficina Nacional de HPHA; Ronaldo Hurley;; Sistemas y Soluciones SRL; Sociedad Bíblica Argentina; United Community Church; Visnja Drucker.
Cash contributions:
Alyssa M Vine; Ana Dougherty; Analía Bachor ; Andrés Romagnoli; Bárbara Bradford; Bruno Capalbo; Carolina Mansur; Cecilia Segovia; Comisión Arquidiocesana de Ecumenismo y Dialogo Interreligioso; Corbin and Zulema Wright; Elida Gándara; Elizabeth Strickland; Felipe Cartud; Flavio Berceruelo; Familia Strasser; Gretchen Hall; Joaquín Bilbao; José Fernando Colacilli; Leonardo Hernández; Lidia Fernández; Luis Arana Tagle; Lynn Ibañez; Marcelo Ortelli; María Celina Malvazo; Mariana Ortega; Mariano Colombo; Mariano Spitale; Marina Romere; Mark Foster; Martha Ureta; Martín Nazer; Maximiliano Pereyra; Milagros Bernabó; Patricia Cabot; Patricia Caviezel; Paul Hartley ; HPHA National Office; Rene Cutts; Roger Cortéz; Ronaldo Hurley; Santiago Valent; San Cristóbal Seguros; Silvia Leguizamón; Silvina Rodriguez Ponti; Stephanie Simonetta; Susanne; Thomas Dunbar; Vianney Osorio; Visnja Drucker
In kind donations:
Antonio and Viviana Castro Sánchez; Servicios Integrales S.A; Sociedad Bíblica Argentina
Cash contributions:
Ana Cutts, Cáritas Lomas de Zamora; Christopher Carpenter; Katharine and Tim Dougherty; María Constanza Ledesma; María Belén Sarmiento; Mariana and Zack Sears; Nicolás Vellón; Patricia Wall de Dougall; Pequeño Fondo Hogares Royal Belfast Academical Institution; Steve Crowell; Thai Lovers Restaurant
In kind donations:
BAXPA SA; Bez Propiedades; Graciela Adán y Asociados; Iglesia Bautista Nordeste Santa Fe; Leticia Prayon RH Profile; Sistemas y Soluciones SRL; United Community Church
Cash contributions:
Catedral Anglicana San Juan Bautista Buenos Aires; Little Homes Fund Lucky and Giving Campaign Ithaca; Theresa y Dennis Skelly
In kind donations:
Hotel Zavaleta
In kind donations:
Ana Cutts; Marval O’ Farrell y Mairal
Leaflets for adequate shelter on the Solidarity Day

In order to celebrate the National Solidarity Day, on Wednesday 26 of August and on Saturday 29, volunteers from Habitat for Humanity Argentina put on the blue t-shirt of our visibility campaign and took to the streets against inadequate housing, giving flyers to passers by in downtown Buenos Aires and in Plaza Francia, Recoleta. 6000 people were invited to become a part of the solution to this problem.
Thanks to the effort of 40 volunteers, more than 6000 people today know that they can join HPHA to help solve the serious country’s housing problem.
Thanks to the effort of 40 volunteers, more than 6000 people today know that they can join HPHA to help solve the serious country’s housing problem.
Square in Recreo
Families participating in the “Rise up and Build” project of Recreo, Santa Fe, have recently started a new project: the design and implementation of a public park. HPHA has provided the land, as part of the project through which 38 houses were built, and by facilitating meetings with the neighbours, the project has now taken off with the families as the key players in achieving their vision.
“Each meeting we are part of, is a new opportunity for growing and improving as a community. In these meetings we have learnt to cultivate beautiful and practical qualities which have given us satisfactions everyday, such as listening to others, respecting the ideas and needs of others” one of our neighbours wrote in the feedback of one of the meetings.
The park will have swings and slides donated by the city council, and plants, flowers and trees that neighbours will plant. Another team initiative has been to request that the public transport pass through this part of the city, and the street that cuts through the rows of houses has been named by the neighbours, (they chose the name “19 de diciembre”, which is the date when the first lot of houses were dedicated in 2008. Now, with the support of HPHA, they wish to make a public space come to life so as to have a recreation area for children, where adults may also have a place to gather to share a “mate”.
“Each meeting we are part of, is a new opportunity for growing and improving as a community. In these meetings we have learnt to cultivate beautiful and practical qualities which have given us satisfactions everyday, such as listening to others, respecting the ideas and needs of others” one of our neighbours wrote in the feedback of one of the meetings.
The park will have swings and slides donated by the city council, and plants, flowers and trees that neighbours will plant. Another team initiative has been to request that the public transport pass through this part of the city, and the street that cuts through the rows of houses has been named by the neighbours, (they chose the name “19 de diciembre”, which is the date when the first lot of houses were dedicated in 2008. Now, with the support of HPHA, they wish to make a public space come to life so as to have a recreation area for children, where adults may also have a place to gather to share a “mate”.
Brief News
Share your experience: We invite you to share your experience in HPHA. Contact us at
Read the experience of Ignacio Spitale, volunteer of the Communication Team, about the dedication to houses in Luján.
Lecture on Awareness at Beth School: on Monday 3rd August, when classes started, two representatives of HPHA carried out a lecture on awareness for seventh graders. Kids asked a lot of questions and showed great interest on learning more on Argentina’s housing problem and on the ways they can contribute for its solution.
Payment of Loans for Incremental Improvements: HPHA is proud to inform that two of its families in Santa Fe have been able to pay the installments of the incremental improvements for their houses. Thanks to their effort to pay in due time and form, more families will have the opportunity to solve their housing issue.
Read the experience of Ignacio Spitale, volunteer of the Communication Team, about the dedication to houses in Luján.
Lecture on Awareness at Beth School: on Monday 3rd August, when classes started, two representatives of HPHA carried out a lecture on awareness for seventh graders. Kids asked a lot of questions and showed great interest on learning more on Argentina’s housing problem and on the ways they can contribute for its solution.
Payment of Loans for Incremental Improvements: HPHA is proud to inform that two of its families in Santa Fe have been able to pay the installments of the incremental improvements for their houses. Thanks to their effort to pay in due time and form, more families will have the opportunity to solve their housing issue.
Looking ahead
- 21 of September. World Prayer Day for Human Habitat: Since 1983, Habitat for Humanity International has celebrated this day encouraging churches worldwide to pray on the third Sunday of September for those who live under unacceptable conditions and to advocate for adequate housing to become an awareness and action subject within the community of faith. We invite your church to join us!
- 30 of September. Round Table: In view of the World Habitat Day, HPHA and related organizations will hold a round table where different speakers will deliver their speeches on community development experiences.
- 6 of October. World Habitat Day: The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October every year as World Habitat Day to reflect on the state of human settlements and the basic right to adequate shelter for all. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat.
- 30 of September. Round Table: In view of the World Habitat Day, HPHA and related organizations will hold a round table where different speakers will deliver their speeches on community development experiences.
- 6 of October. World Habitat Day: The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October every year as World Habitat Day to reflect on the state of human settlements and the basic right to adequate shelter for all. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat.
A house made with effort
By Ignacio Spitale, communications volunteer.
In May in the city of Luján, more precisely in the “Los Gallitos” neighborhood the dedication of several houses took place, organized by the three families owning the new houses built within the Habitat for Humanity Argentina project “Building Homes”.
It was my first HPHA’s event, and being able to meet the families first hand was a great experience, since they welcomed me with such kindness and happiness that it promised to be a very warm morning.
When talking to Juan from the Farías Balderrama family, I realized what it is like to put all your efforts into striving for a better future and seeking opportunities that are given to us. They are seven people in this family and the couple is waiting for a new baby, but this doesn’t stop them from staying together as a family and thinking about the future day by day. “Habitat has given us a space for love” says Eva, Juan’s wife. She thanks the help given by the HPHA brigades so that they could be able to have their own house, and they don’t forget Father Luis Fornero from the San Cayetano Church who helped them get the land to start building.
In the event I had the chance to talk to Liliana from the Monzón Rodríguez family, who was very moved and shed some tears when she thanked everyone. Very openly she shared with me the difficult situation she and her family had to go through when almost from one day to the other they lost their property and didn’t know what to do next. It was then that HPHA gave them the opportunity, but it wouldn’t have been possible without their own effort and the community spirit in the neighborhood. “All the families here helped each other, which makes the relationship between neighbors improve and bonds grow” says Liliana.
Afterwards, Ana Cutts, the National Director, said a few words taking advantage of the occasion to thank those who have made this dream possible but reminding us all that “This is only a first step. Now these houses will be turned into real homes by the families that live in them”. With a round of applause families were congratulated.
At times like these, when there is so much debate about how to improve our way of life, I realized that it is the small actions that really change our way of thinking and encourage us to become more committed to helping others. that real change happens those which really make our way of thinking change and therefore be committed to help others. HPHA and these families show that it is possible.
In May in the city of Luján, more precisely in the “Los Gallitos” neighborhood the dedication of several houses took place, organized by the three families owning the new houses built within the Habitat for Humanity Argentina project “Building Homes”.
It was my first HPHA’s event, and being able to meet the families first hand was a great experience, since they welcomed me with such kindness and happiness that it promised to be a very warm morning.
When talking to Juan from the Farías Balderrama family, I realized what it is like to put all your efforts into striving for a better future and seeking opportunities that are given to us. They are seven people in this family and the couple is waiting for a new baby, but this doesn’t stop them from staying together as a family and thinking about the future day by day. “Habitat has given us a space for love” says Eva, Juan’s wife. She thanks the help given by the HPHA brigades so that they could be able to have their own house, and they don’t forget Father Luis Fornero from the San Cayetano Church who helped them get the land to start building.
In the event I had the chance to talk to Liliana from the Monzón Rodríguez family, who was very moved and shed some tears when she thanked everyone. Very openly she shared with me the difficult situation she and her family had to go through when almost from one day to the other they lost their property and didn’t know what to do next. It was then that HPHA gave them the opportunity, but it wouldn’t have been possible without their own effort and the community spirit in the neighborhood. “All the families here helped each other, which makes the relationship between neighbors improve and bonds grow” says Liliana.
Afterwards, Ana Cutts, the National Director, said a few words taking advantage of the occasion to thank those who have made this dream possible but reminding us all that “This is only a first step. Now these houses will be turned into real homes by the families that live in them”. With a round of applause families were congratulated.
At times like these, when there is so much debate about how to improve our way of life, I realized that it is the small actions that really change our way of thinking and encourage us to become more committed to helping others. that real change happens those which really make our way of thinking change and therefore be committed to help others. HPHA and these families show that it is possible.
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