We made it to the 100th family!
In March, the second Lands (Tierras) project was started in Lujan. Its objective is to develop an entire community not just build houses. Juan Cruz Farias, Eva Balderrama and their four children Jeremías, eight; Maria de los Angles, six; Fátima, three and Simón, one are the 100th family to be served by Habitat. Right now the Farías- Balderramos family are living in the church and have to share the kitchen and bathroom that prevents them from living in privacy as all families should.
The vary fact that we have provided 100 families with a decent place to live fills all of us at Habitat for Humanity Argentina with joy. It is a milestone that we celebrate with joy but the real importance of this event is the realization that we have provided a family in urgent need of a home with hope of living a better life and living it with dignity.
Launching of the fund raising campaign: At Home for a House
María attended a get together and shared some of her thoughts with us. ¨At the meeting At Home for a House I was happy to realize that Habitat For Humanity Argentina possessed two of the most important components that are necessary for success: a strong sense of mission and professionalism. I join in my prayers and ask that everyone accompany the Habitat family with their small donation that will grow and be converted into the fulfillment of a dream for some family. I thank Habitat for making this possible and giving this opportunity to many families.
More than 100 people have been invited to join the campaign and we hope to send 100 more invitations. We hope that more and more people in the
You are invited to become a part of our campaign and act as a host of ¨At Home for A House¨. All you have to do is call or email the Habitat office and you will receive a tool Kit with all the materials you will need. Write eventos@hpha.org.ar or call 4792-2739/ 4793-4384
Family Commitment Campaign
At the beginning of spring the new, Families Commitment Campaign was inaugurated, its objective was to acquaint the families of the benefits they receive from being part of the Habitat family while keeping up with their monthly installments. With this campaign, we not only hope to lower the late payment rate, but also to help the families understand that by assuming this responsibility with Habitat they have made a commitment that allows us to continue our work giving others the opportunity to have access to a home. This campaign will take place in four phases, one for each season of the year: spring, summer, fall, and winter, the last being in June just before winter.
To reach each family directly they will be given a commitment statement with a personalized message informing them of their payment status. There will also be commitment posters in the local offices to reinforce our message.
This Family Commitment Campaign highlights Habitat’s commitment to provide better living conditions for these families and a way to accompany them along the road to sustainable growth in the future.