April 23, 2008

Year 1, Volume 3: ANNUAL DINNER 2004 - May 19 th, Marriott Plaza Hotel

On May 19th, HFHA held its first annual fundraiser. The first annual dinner, held at the Salon Colonial that the Marriott Plaza Hotel generously lent us. About 270 people were invited and had the opportunity of spending a pleasant evening and of learning more about Habitat for Humanity Argentina and its work

Among the people who attended the dinner, were at least ten representatives of Maersk Argentina S.A., the first corporate partner of HHA and we were very honoured to have them with us. In addition to having donated two houses for the Luján Affiliate, employees from this company volunteer and come to help the families build their decent and simple houses.

While we were enjoying cocktails we also appreciated some renaissance music played by the quartet Trasvalarium. Once seated for dinner, José F. Colacilli, president of the National Board of Directors, welcomed everyone and Patricia Miccio, master of ceremony for the evening, gave a presentation on the work and the mission of Habitat, through a multimedia projected on giant screens. Then, between courses, there was a raffle of jewellery and other prizes.

But the most exciting event of the night was the paper houses sale! A brigade of volunteers –dressed in HFHA t-shirts- sold little paper houses to the guests who hoped to find inside a coupon exchangeable for one of the many and interesting prizes donated by more than 60 companies and shops. After the meal the Percussion Band Positrón played and those who wished danced the night away.

Thanks to the generosity of all the participants, sponsors and donors an amount of US$ 23500 was raised, and this has been allocated to building and community work and programme development organised from the National Office.

We especially wish to record the generous support of:


Porcel Family

Gillette Argentina S.A.

Lloyds Bank


Pan American Energy




Agroservicios Pampeanos S.A.

Balanz Capital

Banco Hipotecario


Productos Roche SAQL

Vintage Oil Argentina, Inc.

Gottraux Family

United Community Church


Avery Dennison

Coca Cola Argentina

Harold Family

Kraft Travel Service


Buenos Aires Internacional Christian Academy (BAICA)

Buhler S.A.

Harold Harold

Lincoln School Teachers

Maersk Argentina S.A.

As also the contributions of Patricia Miccio, Matías Brass Harriott, Ronaldo Hurley, Solange Lanusse (Swan Turismo), quartet Trasvalarium, Positrón group, the committee which organised the dinner and all the volunteers that made this event possible and so successful!!

Carolina Mansur

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