April 23, 2008

Year 1, Volume 4: The Regional Directors’ Conference of Habitat for Humanity, South America

The Regional Directors’ Conference of Habitat for Humanity, South America was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from August 2nd – 6th 2004.

It was an inspiring and exciting conference during which we were able to assess and value the work which has been done, as well as identifying future challenges and opportunities. The warm welcome extended to all the visiting delegates by members of Habitat for Humanity, Argentina, meant that we were able to exchange experiences and discuss our expectations and future plans in an atmosphere of friendship and co-operation. And because of the thorough and careful planning by the local area officers, there were plenty of opportunities to get to know each other better in spite of the intense work we all did during the conference.

Members attending the conference came from PERU, BRAZIL, CHILE, COLOMBIA, VENEZUELA, BOLIVIA, and PARAGUAY. Sadly the Paraguayan delegation had to leave because of the tragedy in Asuncion and they were much missed. But although we missed the input from our Paraguayan members we were able, with enthusiasm and dedication, to consider many issues including the new challenges to the National Program to achieve self- financing. We discussed our various experiences of working in Youth Programs, with Brigades, and our relationships with the different Churches.

We considered the proposals for restructuring the Area Office, CCR and IPAS, and the priorities of Habitat for Humanity in Latin America and the Caribbean, with Habitat for Humanity International.

However, undoubtedly the most important and moving moment was when we shared the smiles, tears and unbelievable joy of some families in Lujan as they saw their dreams fulfilled as they took possession of their own new home, thanks to the work of Habitat for Humanity, Argentina. And for us it meant affirmation of all that we do, and helped us realise the value of our commitment. Thanks be to God who enables us to work for his people in need through our organisation.

Delegates appreciated the warm hospitality offered by their hosts, the careful painstaking work and planning of the facilitators and the capacity of our leaders to listen and encourage. We gave thanks for all the directors who give so much of their lives in the service of God and his people.

“What you are is God’s gift for you;

What you do with yourself is your gift to God”

María Elena Acosta

National Director, HFH Ecuador

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