April 23, 2008

Year 2, Volume 2: National Office: TESTIMONY OF ONE VOLUNTEER: María Viegas

More than a year ago, I saw in a weekly architecture and building magazine an advertisement from Habitat for Humanity, that touch a personal fibre. The advertisement explained what it was doing in Argentina and encouraged anyone who wanted to contribute to its work to join.

It had been a few years since the “whirlpool” of daily life had caught me: family, work, survival, etc. were some of the excuses I used not to consider getting involvemed! However, this article opened the door to a new reality. My children were already grown-up, my work set on the right road, and I realized it was time for me to return everything that LIFE had generously given me.

This was an opportunity! My skills and experience could be utilized in helping those who needed a hand... a roof… a smile... or just some encouragement

I called to discuss the idea and was invited to attend a workshop to learn what it means to be a volunteer and how Habitat and Save the Children work!

It was a day full of new meanings for me and with all my heart I took it upon myself to make my contribution to the organization.

At first, it was somewhat hard to find my place. I passed through different stages, meetings and joined in celebrations to inaugurate the first completed homes!

Everything was new and exciting for me, but I felt more like a visitor than a real helper. Months went by and my desire to be more effective was growing and I learned to appreciate the value of technical assistance and began to feel that my contribution was indeed useful and valued. A group of professionals began to meet to contribute, we have found our place and started to see the results! Our work meetings became more worthwhile and we could help the Affiliates as they needed our help. We organized exchange workshops with them and I began to gain more confidence.

I was also encouraged to be a “House Leader” which meant going with volunteers to the construction site in Luján, explaining Habitat’s methodology to them, and coordinating their days work.

This is what I liked the most because it meant being with the people, with the beneficiaries, getting to know and understand them, their needs, their sorrows and joys, their surprise and their grateful incredulity!!

After days on the work site, the soul relaxes in a worn out body, and the word HOME sounds like glory!! Thank you Habitat for giving me the opportunity to share, learn, give and receive!

María Viegas

Volunteer-Technical Assistance Team

National Office- Habitat for Humanity Argentina

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