April 23, 2008

Year 1, Volume 5: Santa Fe


The birth of Habitat for Humanity in Santa Fe, like any birth, did not come without moments of pain.

The flooding of the Salado River meant many days of anxiety, loss and despair to the people. Nevertheless, as in every difficult situation, some light also appeared amidst so much darkness and desperation; a boat to get to the flooded neighbourhoods; food and blankets for those who were stranded on rooftops; clowns and songs to entertain the children at the evacuation centre, and a group of people determined to work for those who need a decent place in which to live…

So that is how Habitat for Humanity came to work in Santa Fe, and not only has it arrived in the City but it has come to stay…and today we see the fruit of everything that has been done along this road that we now walk together. 5 families, houses that grow, projects being implemented, the strong will of several people directed at the same mission, a mission, principles, commitment…

Our strength is intact, enthusiasm grows, we continue with our high expectations, the work is rewarding and Habitat is already a part of our lives which is one more reason to be thankful to God for his allowing us to be useful instruments in doing his will and helping us to put our faith into action

Alejandra Baglione de Pereyra

President of the Local Committee

Santa Fe Affiliate of Habitat for Humanity Argentina

ON NOVEMBER 20th WE DEDICATED THE SECOND NEW HOME IN SANTA FE. This was for the Zaballos family:

Some of the people who came were surprised to discover the existence of our organisation. They had never heard of Habitat! Others were amazed to see the final result of all their efforts! And others, who had helped with the actual construction of the house, showed their delight at the competion of the house

Everyone who spoke reflected the deep joy of knowing that Ezequiel, Paula, Pablo, and Mateo had a home at last. Speaking on behalf of his family, and surrounded by them all, Ezequiel told of their struggles and their faith. He expressed his thanks to God, and thanked Habitat, his family and the volunteers. He said he was especially grateful to his father for his great help in the construction of the house. Jorge Diaz, the local coordinator, added that Don Zeballos was a faithful and much valued volunteer, although he had asked for permission to miss just one day!

The work and success of Habitat Santa Fe shows that. “Habitat has come to stay” said the local president Alejandra Pereyra, while the National Director, Ana Cutts, invited the community to give support and encouragement to the mission.

By the end of 2004, after less than one year’s construction work, the families are making their payments to the revolving fund of HPHA Santa Fe and we will be completing the third stage of the next new house. The Homes of the Uviedo and the Reynoldy families have also been dedicated, in December 2004.

If you would like to join us in “Rebuilding Santa Fe, one house at a time” please contact:

Jorge Díaz, Local Coordinator - Domingo Silva 3468, Ciudad de Santa Fe. Tel: 54 (0342) 455 9200 - santafe@hpha.org.ar

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