The following has been contributed by Carlos A. Miranda
a member of the Silva-Miranda Family of Luján who worked
as a volunteer on this project.
At midday, we had lunch and then continued the work. The remains of our lunch were distributed among the local children who were watching what was going on!
Carlos A. Miranda
Volunteer belonging to the Silva Miranda Family (First Homeowning family of the Luján Affiliate of HFHA)
Our work is not limited to helping families only by giving them an economic and decent house, because we are interested also in staying in touch with them and helping in the community..
Therefore, we work jointly with other organizations working in Luján - because we cannot do it alone! With one of our partners we organized a workshop on organic vegetable gardens and we handed out seeds.
After that workshop Norma’s family created a good vegetable garden at the back of their “Habitat” house. This helps them to reduce expenses and to balance their diet.
The Silva Miranda’s have also started with their “seedling boxes!” So we prove that a decent home offers, among other things, the energy and the will to progress.
Laura, mother of the Silva Miranda family, is a teacher and wants to continue studying at the University. She is also, with the help of her mother and sister, creating a small business with candles.
Veronica, who is 17 years old, is part of the Norma Niz household, and she is hoping to continue studying at college. She has applied for a scholarship at the Universidad Nacional de Luján.
Norma Niz works non-stop in order to be able to make the monthly repayment for her house; she sells eggs and beauty products, as well as doing housework for other people and working in a school.
Both families are very committed to help in the activities of the affiliate; they help build, and make invaluable contributions at special projects board meetings. We are very happy with this.
We believe that this is just the beginning. There are very few families we have been able to help so far …. but we intend to continue in the way we are have begun and have faith and hope that we shall be enabled to do so!
“Working with love is building a house with stones from the quarry of the heart, as if a beloved person was going to live inhabit it”
Celina Malvazo
National Educator
Mariana Ballesteros, Local Coordinator - Tel.: +54 (02323) 430160 Address: 9 de Julio 502 , CP 6700 - Luján, Prov. de
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