April 23, 2008

Year 1, Volume 3: Annual Assembly of Habitat for Humanity Argentina

The Annual Assembly of Habitat for Humanity Argentina took place on Saturday October 30th 2004

I had the opportunity, for the first time, to participate as a member, and to appreciate the new challeneges in front of us.

It has given me great satisfaction to be part of a group of people who share a project and deep feelings of solidarity, faith and hope in this world that is often very complex and individualist.

It was a day of intense and hard work, of sharing experiences, evaluating and discussing joint actions for the future. And all this showed me how people with similar interests and with energy devoted to projects to help people in need, those who are waiting to be helped, can see a way to do this with exciting results.

It is very difficult to describe "volunteer work"... it has to be lived to be appreciated, and it is unique. However, if we look around, we can see more and more people getting involved, in different ways but with similar aims, each one doing what he can in his own way.

Getting involved means a big commitment, and commitment is, from my point of view, the key word that we should bear in mind.

I believe that we should start to copy the strategies of the ants and of the spiders! Among the latter we see perseverance and coordinated work prevail; among the former we see their ability to knit incredible nets of protection and survival.

Some days ago, I heard words that we should certainly keep in mind all throughout our lives: “If it is not me, who? If it is not now, when?”

Maria Cecilia Mariluz

Volunteer of the national sub committee of

Education and Technical Support

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