April 23, 2008


The year 2004 has been a year full of blessings for Habitat for Humanity Argentina: the first houses have been constructed and dedicated; we hosted the first annual fund raising dinner and Santa Fe was accepted as an affiliate…

In the national office, we have been able to rely on the help of some excellent volunteers; Céline Humeau (France), César Toala (Ecuador), Virginia Brumby (USA), Kim Burnitz (USA), Mario Benvenuto (Argentina) y Florence Smidt-Nielsen (Argentina)all did their best to help further the mission of Habitat.

The volunteers helped in many ways: Virginia and Kim improved and translated the web site and printed material into English; Celine contacted French volunteers and companies to increase their support; Cesar started groups of house leaders; Florence monitored and evaluated our organization and Mario made an inventory of the stock of souvenirs of HFHA.

We all appreciate so much the help of the volunteers as we know that their work of volunteers is vital for the progress of our organization. We are, indeed, extremely grateful to each of them and to the many others who were “volunteers for a day”, and also helped to keep things going.

Carolina Mansur,

National Office

Habitat for Humanity Argentina

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